Monday, December 10, 2012

Pumpkin Corn Muffins

I'm cheap. After making apple butter pumpkin pie, I couldn't possibly let half a can of pumpkin puree go to waste. A few weeks ago, I searched the Internet for "what to do with leftover pumpkin" and came up with several tasty possibilities: spicy pumpkin hummus, chicken enchiladas with pumpkin cream sauce, pumpkin gnocchi, and pumpkin corn muffins. After the culinary marathon of Thanksgiving, I decided to go for the simplest choice - the muffins.
Make Jiffy corn muffins according to package directions, adding 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree to the batter. The pumpkin adds a delicate moistness, and they taste great drizzled with honey. Bonus points for the added boost of Vitamin A.

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