Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cilantro Pesto Pasta with Three Cheeses

Summer is here! With summer comes delicious greenery from the farmer's market. Here's what I picked up: a bunch of cilantro, radishes, green garlic and asparagus. I'll be using them in several recipes this week.
I don't know when it happened, but once I figured out that pesto didn't have to be made from basil, I started throwing every herb I could in my Cuisinart to see what I could come up with. Cilantro pesto is a bit spicy, and adds a tasty kick to any pasta dish. I bet it would be quite good in scrambled eggs, too.
Cilantro Pesto
Leaves from a bunch of cilantro
1/3 c shredded romano
1/3 c grated parmesan
A few cloves of garlic (I used green garlic)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

1. Add all ingredients except the olive oil to a food processor and process until smooth well blended.
2. Slowly add enough olive oil to make a creamy paste. Season with salt and pepper.

While you are picking the leaves off the bunch of cilantro, set a pot of salted water to boil. When it's ready, cook about half a package of any pasta you'd like according to package directions. I used Archer Farms Radiatore. This recipe serves 2-3 hungry people but could easily be doubled.

Drain the pasta and toss with the pesto and a handful of fresh baby mozzarella balls and some chopped tomatoes.

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