Sunday, June 30, 2013

Goat Cheese Stuffed Grape Leaves

I am lucky enough to have a share of a local farm in Madison, and received my first mystery box of goodies this week. Some highlights - a bouquet (not a bunch, a bouquet) of chives, grape leaves, leaf lettuce, romaine, and rhubarb. I also made a quick stop at the farmer's market on Saturday and picked up some local goat cheese. I knew the grape leaves wouldn't last long in the fridge, so I cooked them up right away.
Grilled Stuffed Grape Leaves with Goat Cheese
Fresh Grape L
eaves, stems removed
Goat cheese
Chopped fresh chives
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
French bread, sliced thin

1. Lay one of the leaves flat and place a heaping spoonful of goat cheese in the middle.
2. Sprinkle with about 1/2 tsp of chives and salt and pepper.
3. Drizzle with a tiny drizzle (maybe even a drop) of olive oil.
4. Wrap the leaf around the goat cheese like a gift package. If you can't get the leaves to stay in place, use a little extra goat cheese to "glue" them in place.
5. Preheat a grill or grill plan over medium heat.
6. Grill the grape leaves until browned on both sides, about 2 minutes per side.
7. Serve the grape leaves on top of french bread. If you'd prefer not to eat the leaves, scoop the cheese out and serve on the bread.

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